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Ro Backup

Ro is a multi-platform command-line application to automate backups of your Salesforce data.

Using Ro Backup, you can:

  • Authenticate using username/password, OAuth, or JWT

  • Back up all exportable data in your org, including attachments and (optionally) deleted records

  • Back up all objects by default or choose specific objects to back up

  • Export data as compressed CSV or JSON files

  • Backup Salesforce to a database

  • Run backups unattended using cron or Windows Task Scheduler


Authenticate using OAuth, and back up all objects (OAuth token will be stored for future use)

$ ro -e

Authenticate with your Salesforce org using username and password, and back up all objects

$ ro -e -u -p passwordToken

Back up only given objects (using stored credentials)

$ ro Opportunity My_Custom_Object__c Document

Use credentials of previously authenticated user

$ ro -u

Back up to a database (SQLite only for now)

$ ro -D backup.db Opportunity My_Custom_Object__c Document

Override default backup options to exclude base64-encoded fields and include deleted records

$ ro --exclude-base64 --include-deleted

Set output options such as filename, output format format, and whether to include objects with no records

$ ro --exclude-empty --output=path/filename --format=json --unzipped

Set advanced options, such as concurrency level and pk chunking

$ ro --max-jobs=100 --chunk-size=100000

Save the command-line flags and arguments to a config file that can be used for subsequent runs

$ ro --exclude Task --exclude Event --exclude-base64 --write-config ro.xml

Use a config file to set flags and arguments

$ ro --read-config ro.xml

Complete list of options

Usage: ro [options] [<objects>]
 <objects> standard or custom object names to back up (empty for all)


-B, --exclude-base64          do not fetch base64 fields (default: fetch all fields)
-E, --exclude string          object(s) to exclude from backup
-b, --before string           limit records exported to those created/modified before this date
-i, --include-deleted         fetch deleted objects (default: do not fetch deleted)
-s, --since string            limit records exported to those created/modified since this date

-D, --dsn string              write to database using DSN instead of file
-U, --unzipped                do not zip output file (default: zip output)
-X, --exclude-empty           exclude objects with no records from output file (default: include all objects)
-f, --format string           output file format (csv, json) (default: csv)
-o, --output string           output filename (default:
-r, --dry-run                 log backup process without actually performing bulk API jobs

-a, --connected-app string    connected app id
-e, --endpoint string         salesforce instance to authenticate with
-j, --jwt string              jwt token
-p, --password string         salesforce instance password
-u, --username string         salesforce instance username

-d, --debug                   set log level to debug
-q, --quiet                   set log level to warn

-R, --read-config string      read configuration from file
-W, --write-config string     write configuration to file for future re-use

-c, --chunk-size int          enable pk chunking with given number of records per batch (default: 100000)
-m, --max-jobs int            max number of concurrent bulk API jobs (default: 100)

-v, --version                 display version